here's a little peek at what I've done with the new stuff so far:)

and of course with a new name and a new camera it was time to get a new website. which I've been wanting to do for some time now. It's so nice to finally be where I want to be with my work and my equipment. I think unless you're a photographer yourself it's hard to understand how expensive this career really is. and how much time and effort goes into it. it is a full time job and to do it right you will be investing a lot of what you make. so if you wonder why some photographers cost SO much, it's probably because they have thousands of dollars worth of equipment that they will be shooting you with. and of course because they are AMAZING:) anyway, I won't ramble on anymore! check out the new site! and come visit the new blog from time to time and see what new things I'm up to this year:)
xoxo Carrie Carden